Taking Action But Not Seeing Results?
Jul 02, 2018
Each week I receive calls from women who share with me their health and fitness goals, and the struggles that keep them from reaching those goals.
What’s really common for MOST many women is that they are taking action every week, but yet they are not seeing results.
This is part where I get fired up!
I FEEL your frustration! In fact, for years and years I was in the same boat.
Literally, for probably about 10 years I was working out and “eating right” but not getting the results that I wanted. It’s so frustrating!
And that’s exactly why I put my foot down and was like, “I’m GOING to figure this out!”
Thankfully, I’ve got it all figured out now, and can help you.
The truth is, if you are working out for approximately 360 minutes each week (90 minutes, 4 times each week) you shouldbe seeing results.
The question is, how are you spending those minutes each week?
And there is where the magic happens!
Get smart about how your spending your minutes each week, and you’ll be able to get better results from your workouts.
For example, I’ve had several clients who were spending nearly 500-600 minutes working out each week, but not seeing results.
On most occasions, I changed the nature of their workouts, reduced the number of minutes each week, and boom, they got shockingresults.
Does this resonate with you? If so, check out this week’s new video below…
The Perfect Workout Week
If you are working out more than 360 minutes each week and are not seeing results, consider adjusting the nature of your workouts to reflect the following.
Strength training MUST be the foundation to your workout week! Then, it’s helpful to look at your nutrition. So often my clients simply need to make some changes in their eating and boom, they starting getting incredible results!
The last piece of the puzzle is smart cardio programming. Even if your goal is to burn off extra fat, cardio is still the last thing to consider. Think of cardio as the icing on the cake. Once your strength training and nutrition are locked in, cardio can be used to optimize results
When I create programs for my clients I have a few strategies in mind that all begin with the same foundation. You can use this basic foundation to adjust your workout week to ensure that you are getting the right combination of strength and cardio.
The following workout program provides the bare minimum for most people to start seeing results.
- Strength Training
60+ min
Focus on exercises for your Legs and Back
60+ min
Focus on exercises for your Legs and Chest
60+ min
Focus on exercises for your Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps
- Cardio
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
Steady State
35 minutes
Working at a moderate heart rate intensity level
35 minutes
Working for 1-2 minutes at a higher heart rate level, alternating with 2-3 minutes at a lower heart rate level
Holly started Women’s Strength Nation to improve the ratio of women to men strength training around the world. You can Join the Movement by sharing your thoughts and questions below. Your thoughts and ideas may help another woman’s journey. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!
Stay strong, friend.
Want to hear even more on this topic?
Be sure to check out “LIVE with Holly” HERE!
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