How to Avoid Sabotage When Tackling New Goals
Jan 28, 2020
If you’re anything like me, you have moments of great victory…and moments of feeling defeated, off track, and so very far from your goals.
Am I right?
I realize that some people think I have it all together. And for the most part, I do! But in all transparency, most days I struggle to stay positive and take consistent action in the direction of my most important goals.
You too? Of course, because it's human, and we all do it.
So today I'm sharing one of my favorite practices that I know will help you too.
I’ve been practicing a very simple mindset exercise that's incredible. In fact, my greatest moments of glory usually happen right after I’ve completed the “exercise” in today’s video (below)
If you find yourself cycling between taking great action towards your goals, and feeling off track, I want you to try out today’s exercise for two weeks and see what happens.
But beware…you might find yourself able to create some pretty serious magic in your life. And when you do, you gotta lean into this exercise even more!
Because true greatness won’t occur inside of your comfort zone.
True greatness requires you to step outside of your familiar landscape and current behaviors. And this kind of growth can be terrifying on some level. And the fear and nervousness that sets in often shows up as self-sabotage, causing you to take alternative action that actually moves you away from your goals.
So…are you ready to avoid sabotage and stay positive in order to reach your biggest goals? Check out this week’s new video below.
This Week’s Exclusive Content
5 Steps Out of Sabotage
I used to believe that I could figure out a system so that I would never get off track. I believed that there MUST be a way to stay on top of my game at all times.
I used to get so frustrated when I would watch myself go from being on my A game in the best way, to all of a sudden being on the couch, unable to take positive action. And I would be so frustrated!
Finally, I realized that it is just unrealistic to think that I will ALWAYS be on my A game. It’s just not possible.
Therefore, the best thing I could think of is to devise a system that would allow me to STOP the sabotage and get back on track.
Use these 5 steps when you are in a rut, unable to take the positive actions you know you need to get moving in the right direction again.
- REALIZE that there IS a reason why you are in a rut. Ask yourself: “How is this rut serving me? What benefit am I getting from this phase?”
- ACCEPT the situation and honor it. It is here for a reason.
- STATE the reality that you truly want. Get precise in identifying the exact outcome that you want. For example, “I want to feel unlimited energy and be 7 lbs leaner.”
- CREATE a plan of action that will move you towards your goal. For example, I will eat every 4 hours during the day, and exercise 4 times every week.”
- OWN how it feels to reach your goals. Write out exactly how good it feels to be living in the body that you dream of. On an index card complete this sentence, “I am…” with expressive words stating in the moment, what it feels like as if you have already achieved your goals.
Want to hear even more on this topic?Join me live every Wednesday on Facebook and Instagram and I’ll be talking more in depth and answering your questions. Check out “LIVE with Holly” by clicking HERE.
Stay strong, friend.
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